Friends interested in re-electing Eric Genrich should ensure voters see and read information about MAGA Republican Chad Weininger and his extreme Republican record while he was in the Legislature.

  • “MAGA Republican Chad Weininger is a partisan extremist. In the legislature he voted against women’s abortion rights, against worker rights, and he led the effort to keep legislative maps rigged to favor Republicans”

  • “As a Republican legislator, MAGA Republican Chad Weininger attacked working families and voted for Scott Walker’s legislation that eliminated workers’ rights to collectively bargain in Wisconsin.”

  • “In the state legislature, MAGA Republican Chad Weininger voted for a massive tax cut for corporations and multi- millionaires. This tax cut benefited 11 ultra-wealthy individuals, with an average $2 million tax cut per millionaire.”

Additional resources: 

And MAGA Republicans who support Chat have not quit. They are coming for Mayor Genrich with everything they have in the upcoming Spring election, including manufacturing a crisis to protect MAGA extremists from harassing city staff, press and voters over election conspiracies.

He’s far too extreme for Green Bay, but that isn’t yet clear to Green Bay voters.